Kodi Download For Usb Stick
This section provides guides to assist with installing OpenELEC onto your system. For the normal builds of OpenELEC (Generic, Ion, Fusion, Xstreamer, and Intel) You must follow the Installing OpenELEC part 1 guide. This guide shows you how to create the OpenELEC install stick on a seperate PC using Windows, Linux, or OSX. Then after creating the install stick you must move on to follow installing OpenELEC part 2 guide. This shows you how to install OpenELEC via the created install stick onto your HTPC.
For special systems (Raspberry Pi, Apple TV, VMware) You must follow the specific guides for those installations as they have unique installation methods.
These include Kodi (MediaCenter), OpenShot (video editing), DeVeDe (creating DVDs), ASunder (ripping CDs), GIMP (image editing) and Scribus (desktop publishing). AVMultimedia works in the main-specifier, an installation from a USB -stick copies the entire distribution into RAM, a possible internal hard disk is used only for data to be stored. The Kodi download option for Android also works on the Fire TV/Stick since this popular device is based off the same operating system. If you are running an Android-based device and have the Google Play app installed, you may download Kodi through that respective app store.
If you feel like you want to manually install OpenELEC (create a live USB stick), Multiboot OpenELEC (install alongside other OS's), or PXE Network boot OpenELEC there are guides for those procedures as well.
Basic Install Guide
Manual Installation

Installing OpenELEC for network boot
Kodi Download For Usb Stick Usb
How to update OpenELEC