Cmd Gpupdate

  1. Cmd Gpupdate
  2. Cmd Gpupdate Force Command
  3. Cmd Gpupdate Windows 10
  4. Gpupdate Results Command
  5. Cmd Gpupdate Force

Gpupdate /force This command compares the currently applied GPO to the GPO that is located on the domain controllers. If nothing has changed since the last time the GPO was applied, then the GPO is skipped. Gpupdate command is used to update Group policies in Windows operating system Domain. There are different options to use with the gpupdate but one of the most used option is.

In this guide, you will learn how to use the GPResult command line tool to verify what group policy objects are applied to a user or computer.

GPResult is a command line tool that shows the Resultant Set of Policy (RsoP) information for a user and computer. In other words, it creates a report that displays what group policies objects are applied to a user and computer.

If your using group policy in your environment then you definitely should know how to use this tool.

Cmd Gpupdate

GPResult Video Tutorial

Cmd Gpupdate

If you don’t like video tutorials or want more details, then continue reading the instructions below.

Recommended Tool:SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

Group Policy is an effective way for administrators to control policy settings, deploy software, apply permissions and so on across the entire domain.

When you have multiple Group Policy Objects you need a way to verify those objects are getting applied to a user or computer.

This is exactly what GPresult was built to do.

Let’s look at the example below, I have 4 group policy objects applied at different levels of the domain. One at the root, two at ADPro Computers and one at the ADPRo users OU.

How do I know if they are working?

How can I check if these GPOs are getting applied correctly?

In the next section I’ll show you exactly how I can use gpresult to verify these GPOs are getting applied.

The GPResult command is included with Windows Server versions 2008 and higher. It is also included in client version Windows 7 and higher.

GPResult Examples

Tip: Run the command prompt as administrator or you may run into issues with the command returning computer settings.

Display All Applied GPOs applied to (User and Computer)

This is the most common usage of the gpresult command, it a quick way to display all group policy objects to a user and computer.

It will display the GPO order, displays details such as last time group policy was applied, which domain controller it run from, which security groups the user and computer is a member of.

From the screenshot of my group policy management console there should be 3 GPOs that get applied to the computer and one to the user. Let’s look at the results of the command to verify that is happening.

I can see under applied group policy objects that all three GPOs are getting applied.

Cmd Gpupdate Force Command

Now let’s check the user GPOs. Yes, I can see the Users – Browser Settings GPO is getting applied.

Display GPOs applied to a specific user

Cmd Gpupdate Windows 10

If you don’t want to see both User and Computer GPOs then you can use the scope option to specify user or computer

Display GPOs applied to a specific computer

Display GPOs applied on a remote computer

Gpupdate Results Command

Generate HTML Report

This generates an html report of the applied group policy objects. If you don’t specify a path it will save it to the system32 folder.


Export to a text file

You can redirect the output to a text file with the command below. This is helpful if the results are producing lots of information.

Group policy can be a pain, even when best practices are followed group policy can still be challenging. Knowing how to use these built in tools will help you to verify and troubleshoot group policy’s in your environment. Go give it a try and let me know if you have any questions.

Recommended Tool: SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

This utility was designed to Monitor Active Directory and other critical services like DNS & DHCP. It will quickly spot domain controller issues, prevent replication failures, track failed logon attempts and much more.

Cmd Gpupdate Force

What I like best about SAM is it’s easy to use dashboard and alerting features. It also has the ability to monitor virtual machines and storage.

ColorConsole [Version 1.3.3000]
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System Group Policy Refresh Utility v5.1
c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Description: Refreshes Group Policies settings.
Syntax: GPUpdate [/Target:[/Force][/Wait:<value>]
Value Description
/Target: Specifies that only User or only Computer
policy settings are refreshed. By default,
both User and Computer policy settings are
/Force Reapplies all policy settings. By default,
only policy settings that have changed are
/Wait: Sets the number of seconds to wait for policy
processing to finish. The default is 600
seconds. The value '0' means not to wait.
The value '-1' means to wait indefinitely.
When the time limit is exceeded, the command
prompt returns, but policy processing
/Logoff Causes a logoff after the Group Policy settings
have been refreshed. This is required for
those Group Policy client-side extensions
that do not process policy on a background
refresh cycle but do process policy when a
user logs on. Examples include user-targeted
Software Installation and Folder Redirection.
This option has no effect if there are no
extensions called that require a logoff.
/Boot Causes a reboot after the Group Policy settings
are refreshed. This is required for those
Group Policy client-side extensions that do
not process policy on a background refresh cycle
but do process policy at computer startup.
Examples include computer-targeted Software
Installation. This option has no effect if
there are no extensions called that require
a reboot.
/Sync Causes the next foreground policy application to
be done synchronously. Foreground policy
applications occur at computer boot and user
logon. You can specify this for the user,
computer or both using the /Target parameter.
The /Force and /Wait parameters will be ignored
if specified.
'iisreset' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

ipconfig [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] |
/flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns |
/showclassid adapter |
/setclassid adapter [classid]]
adapter Connection name
(wildcard characters * and ? allowed, see examples)
/? Display this help message
/all Display full configuration information.
/release Release the IP address for the specified adapter.
/renew Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.
/flushdns Purges the DNS Resolver cache.
/registerdns Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names
/displaydns Display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache.
/showclassid Displays all the dhcp class IDs allowed for adapter.
/setclassid Modifies the dhcp class id.
The default is to display only the IP address, subnet mask and
default gateway for each adapter bound to TCP/IP.
For Release and Renew, if no adapter name is specified, then the IP address
leases for all adapters bound to TCP/IP will be released or renewed.
For Setclassid, if no ClassId is specified, then the ClassId is removed.
> ipconfig ... Show information.
> ipconfig /all ... Show detailed information
> ipconfig /renew ... renew all adapters
> ipconfig /renew EL* ... renew any connection that has its
name starting with EL
> ipconfig /release *Con* ... release all matching connections,
eg. 'Local Area Connection 1' or
'Local Area Connection 2'